Tag Archives: Robert Fripp

where Robert Fripp was before

where Robert Fripp was before, originally uploaded by Dan Hewins.

A couple of weeks ago (Dec. 4) I met my friend Ben at Winter Garden at the World Financial Center to watch and listen to Robert Fripp do his thing. First of all, I was excited to see Robert Fripp at all, because he’s an amazing musician and guitarist. He is the backbone of the prog rock band that’s been around since 1969, King Crimson. He has also made some amazing music with Brian Eno as “Fripp & Eno.” The latter is closer to the kind of music he makes by himself: Frippertronics. This is the name for a method involving tape loops that he and Eno developed in the seventies to create atmospheric, ambient, beautiful music. At Winter Garden, he created more beautiful music with just his guitar and that hugely tall rack of electronics. I think these days he is calling it simply: Soundscapes. It was wonderful.

Here is a photo of the man himself.